Saturday 2 April 2016

A chinese man in a bar in Hawaii having  a few drinks .At the counter ,he was amazed to see that he's sitting next to the famous Hollywood director,Steven Spelberg.After a round of beer the Chinese man senses that the famous director is glaring at him .Suddenly in a flash, the Chinese man crashes down from the stool, felled by a vicious punch from Mr spelberg .Picking himself up ,he yells "what the hell was that for " "for the bombing of Pearl Harbour .My dad perished in the bombing "shouts Spielberg 'I am not Japanese you fool ,I am chinese ""yeah  ,yeah Yeah  Japanese .Bumese chinese you are all the same " retorts Spielberg .Regaining his  his composure, Chinese man get back  on his seat and order a double from barman .Then a few seconds later , the Chinese man turs around and deliver s a mighty punch to Spielberg ,sending the director flat onto the floor "What was that for " exclaims the director "that's for sinking the Titanic ! I had an ancestors on that ship !" the Chinese man replies "but Titanic was sunk by an iceberg " yells the director "yeah yeah yeah iceberg ,Carlsberg ,Spielberg You are all the same "

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