Saturday 18 September 2021

why do we say it


Why do we say it

Ring a ring a roses

         An old English rhyme “ring a ringa roses   .In 1348 Great Britain was caught under the great plague. A rash oh red spots appeared at the body of the infected.

“ pocket full of posies “ It was believed  the medicinal herbs kept in the pocket may be able to help fight plague.

The Atishoo        Atishoo  was the cough that went with the plague .

The “All fell down “ was the collapse of the victim and death. Children play with action as English rhyme and still it is taught in the school without knowledge of the action.


He is breaking up the wrong tree

In old days, in fight the recoons takes to a tree and remains in safty far up in the highest branches.

It was hunting dogs responsibility to remain at the foot of the tree and keep the recoon a prisoner by barking continuously until the maser arrives to take recoon. Sometimes the dog  makes a mistake in the excitement of the chase or in the failing light and when morning comes, it is all obvious the dog hab been barking up the wrong tree.


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